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Best Online Drums Lessons


30 Mins / 60 Mins


1:1 / Group


Whenever you think about learning drums, the first step is to identify what you want in your journey of becoming a skilled drummer. There are basically two categories you can identify with, and if you're unsure which category suits you best, our expert team of drumming coaches will assist you with this decision. These two categories are ‘The Beginner’ and ‘The Advanced Intermediate.’ Your transformation from any of these categories into the realm of ‘The Advanced Intermediate’ or even ‘The Master Drummer’ is completely in our hands! So, for now, you only need to do two things – firstly, connect with your drum kit, treating it as your rhythmic partner; and secondly, read below to find out which category you belong to and how you would like to move forward.



If you know that you need to start from basics or at least get the hang of your piano, you are most probably ‘The Beginner’ and we have just the course for you. You will start exploring the fundamentals to earn an Entertainer Certificate from RSM at the end of 3 months. The next 6 months will be a deep dive into newer territories of slightly advanced playing based on your pace of learning and once you are done with this, you will receive a Performer Certificate from RSM. The next 3 months would be entirely dedicated to prepare you for the Grade Certification from our affiliations. And then the journey continues towards your development to ‘Advanced Intermediate’ so that you are able to play your favourite tunes on the Piano in front of all your loved and dear ones.



You may realize that you already know the fundamentals and don’t want to go through the entire process of learning the basics. This course map would suit your style best in that case. Just to be sure, our expert music consultants will analyse your level of playing and exact requirements and help create a customized and curated learning path best suited to your comfort and convenience. You can either approach certification-based learning or skill-based learning or both as per your choice. You would have the benefit of choosing the exact approach of learning your preferred playing styles and music theories.


Whether you are sure or unsure about which category you belong to, rest assured that our expert music consultants are always there to guide you in your journey. You will not only receive course completion certificates from RSM but also score guaranteed successful marks at the most eminent Music School Graded Exams in the world. The courses provide an overall amalgamation of practical playing tips and tricks along with rigorous music theory as per your tastes. RSM is not limited to teaching you how to play the Piano, but is careful and concerned sincerely about what more you can do with your skill and degrees. We are not here for a while, but to cherish life-long relations with you and a rich and diverse global community of music lovers and learners like you!

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